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WPHB 1.8 (C) 1993 Dean R. Madsen, KE0WO
Brief notes on the WPHB.EXE program (Sorry, someday I will
learn to write comprehensive .DOC files).
What it does: REQHB reads the white page update message texts (ie:MESS.WP).
It looks for any question marks in the update lines for
US and Canadian calls, if it finds any it then it accesses
HamBase and fills in the question mark fields with the needed
data from HamBase (if any). WPHB will not replace data that
already exists in the white pages with that from HamBase, it
only replaces the ?'s if possible.
How it does it: REQHB will read through a specified file. First it checks to
see if a line that it has read is for a US or Canadian call.
If it is, then the program check to make sure that there is
data missing (name, zip, location) represented by question
marks. Assuming the previous two tests pass, the program
then compares the date of the WP update line with the date
from the computer's clock. If it is the same date the
program writes that update line to the file \WPHB.DAT.
This file is a storage file for WP update lines to be
processed at a later time. It seems that the FBB white pages
will not accept an update if it has been updated for the
same callsign previously that day. The \WPHB.DAT file will
be checked before the program processes a specified file.
If a call was seen on a previous date then the program will
call the hambase program which will write the output for the
callsign to the \wphb.in file. The WPHB program will then
read and delete the WPHB.IN file. If hambase found the
callsign then the missing data will be remade into a WP update
message to your system in the \fbb\mail.in file. The BBS will
later import the message into the BBS for the white pages to
process. The subject of the message to WP from WP will be
WP update from HAMBAS.
Set up/use: To set the program up so that the program will send
update messages automatically you will need to edit the
APPEL.BAT file so that WPHB is run right after the EPURWP
program during the system's housekeeping cycle. The
parameters you will need are:
1: the drive:\path\hambase lookup program.exe
2: the drive:\path\file to process (optional)
(WPHB processes \FBB\SYSTEM\WP\MESS.WP by defualt)
What it looks like on my system:
echo Backup of important files...
copy \fbb\system\dirmes.sys \fbb\backup\dirmes.s1
copy \fbb\system\inf.sys \fbb\backup\inf.s1
echo Cleaning up message-files...
del epurmess.res
wphb d:\hambase\hambase.exe
echo Press Control-C to abort!
sleep 3
You will notice that Hambase is on my D: drive int he \hambase
directory and the lookup program is hambase.exe. Since I
didn't change the default paths during FBB setup I allow WPHB
to process the \FBB\SYSTEM\WP\MESS.WP, the default file that
will become your outgoing WP update message to other systems.
While the program will not change you outgoing message. It
will add the missing data to your White Pages, which will
eventually send out an update that contains the new data.
You may also use the M & MA commands to send all WP update
messages you receive into a file to be processed by the WPHB
programs. If you have a multitasking program such as DesqView
You may open another window and run the WPHB program having
the second parameter being the path and name of the file to
process. If FBB is not shut down and is still running in
another window, be sure to make the console channel busy
(such as staying logged onto the BBS with the local console)
so that the BBS doesn't attempt to import the MAIL.IN file
before the WPHB program is finished.
Things you may
want to know: All updates made by Hambase will be of either /U or /I
type. It does change the /G type to /I when it fills in
missing data and creates an update line. This was orginally
to help me debug the program, and I have not removed it.
I suspected that the update message might not update the
local white pages with a /G update.
The program looks up each call individually and does add
down time during housekeeping. In the furture I may try to
improve this a little.
I find it convieniant to put the WPHB.EXE program in the
\FBB\BIN directory so that it is include in a directory
in my PATH statement.
1. This software is freeware to the amateur community. It may not be sold.
It may be freely copied and distributed, but at no charge exceeding the
medium and shipping.
2. No warranty is expressed or implied and incidental damages resulting from
the use of this software are solely the responsibility of the user. While
the software works fine, and I am willing to give it to the amateur
community, I am not willing to assume any liabilty for it crashing your
computer or its peripherals. (It has not done that on any machine we have
run it on...this is just legal junk to prevent someone from holding me
responsible for being generous enough to give this utility away as a
service to the FBB community.)
3. Feedback on desired features, bugs, etc. is encouraged.
Good luck and 73,
Dean - KE0WO
US Snail: Dean R. Madsen, KE0WO
P. O. BOX 303
Storm Lake, IA 50588
Land-line: (712) 732-2021 (Voice)
(712) 732-3767 (Data) Latest servers in the \SERVERS direcotory
of my file section.